Iceland my favorite place

Iceland my favorite place

Iceland boosted their tourism not long ago by implementing inexpensive flights to the island making it accessible to those of us that couldn’t previously afford it. Wildly successful, the influx of visitors was overwhelming. The problem was, their pristine wilderness...
Going to lands end to find a lighthouse

Going to lands end to find a lighthouse

Lighthouses have always been an obsession of sorts for me. Intrigued by their history, architecture and location, they have been the inspiration of many a road trip. Perhaps being born in Michigan, home to 129 lighthouses sparked my first interest. Whatever it may be,...
Winter in Bryce Canyon National Park

Winter in Bryce Canyon National Park

Today was a disappointing day. In times like these, it’s hard to remain positive. The hatred being spewed, the disrespect, the lack of accountability on all levels ~ decent courtesy has left the building, folks & it’s wearing on me. Funny thing, I’m not even...

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